Textile balls and domes in multiple colours and sizes, for ceiling, table or floor lamps. Please refer to each color for available sizes, as it may vary. And don't forget our Tomy screen, alone among so many balls ;)

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Size : 25 cm 36 cm 51 cm
Ivory thread ball lampshade, in various sizes
Size : 25 cm 30 cm
Lime-colored thread ball screen, in various sizes. For ceiling or floor, it is IMPORTANT to select position as the fastening (included in the price) is different.
Size : 25 cm 30 cm 36 cm 51 cm
Yellow thread ball screen, in various sizes. For ceiling or floor, it is IMPORTANT to select position as the fastening (included in the price) is different.
Size : 25 cm 36 cm 51 cm
Mustard-colored thread ball screen, in various sizes


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